lunes, 31 de octubre de 2022

Reto de novembro: Investiga!

Este mes de novembro propoñemos retos científicos, xa que empezamos o mes da ciencia en galego! Desta deixámosvos catro actividades por curso. Así que estade atentos e investigade as do voso nivel: haberá 4 para 1º da ESO; outras 4 para segundo e así sucesivamente. 
Cando teñades o resultado (sempre será un número de 4 cifras) deberedes pasar pola biblioteca e abrir as catro caixas que teñen catro cadeados numéricos. Cada caixa estará numerada e para abrir a caixa número 1 tedes que introducir no cadeado a resposta do problema número 1, e así con todas. 
Dentro de cada caixa atoparás unha palabra que deberás escribir na ficha que temos á túa disposición na biblioteca. Ao final completarás a frase gañadora!
Esta noite, entre as 00'00 e as 00'03 horas aparecerán as pistas por cursos colgadas no blog!

Día de Defuntos

 Por fin puidemos celebrar o Día de Defuntos como antes da pandemia. Lemos na biblioteca unha selección de relatos de terror presentados ao concurso: os dous gañadores e outros finalistas. A biblioteca estivo preparada para recibir os premiados:

Xabi García lendo o seu relato gañador en lingua galega

Aina Fernández lendo o relato gañador en lingua inglesa

Lara González lendo o seu relato finalista

Decoración terrorífica da biblioteca

Parte do público xa preparado para o concurso de disfraces

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2022

Pola saúde mental da mocidade

Nesta xornada de folga, un grupo de alumnas e alumnos elaboraron este cartel no que se traballaron pautas para mellorar a saúde mental da mocidade. Elaborárono despois dunha reflexión nas aulas. 

Ben por elas e eles!

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2022

Relatos gañadores do concurso de relatos de terror

 Os gañadores do concurso de relatos foron Xabi García Blanco de 2º ESO, en lingua galega, e Ainara Fernández Sueiro de 3 da ESO, en lingua inglesa. Parabéns aos dous. Deixámosvos aquí os relatos para que sufrades un pouco:




Son Xoán, son un neno e vivo en Dena. Vou ao IES de Meaño coma un día normal. A miña familia marcha para traballar; quedo só, na casa, facendo o almorzo, a cama e vestíndome. Collo a mochila e o ordenador e cando vou saír, a porta da casa non abre. Marcha a luz, sinto de súpeto coma se fose de noite e...

  Ah ─esperto do pesadelo─. Uf, que medo!

Diríxome ao instituto e cando chego atopo os nenos que... me fan bulying.

─ Ai, que fas? Mancáchesme ─digo queixándome.

─ Oh, fíxenlle dano? Que mágoa ─di Breixo aos seus amigos.   

─Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ─rin todos á vez.

Vou cara á miña clase, todo está feito po. Fai un mal día, todo o ceo está nubrado, empeza a chover. Sento atrás de todo, agochándome, para que ninguén me vexa. A profesora dime que lle conteste unha pregunta, pero eu quedo en branco, non sei que contestar, digo unha parvada e todos se rin de min. Quero empezar a chorar, a profesora dime que vaia ao lavabo.

Polo camiño penso:

Non sei que fixen mal, non era a resposta? Cal era? Quero irme, non me aprecian, ninguén o fai, é inxusto, quero sentirme respectado, por que non o fan? Será con todos ou só comigo?

Cando entro no baño prendo as luces, entro no váter, vólvese a ir a luz, sinto outra vez que é de noite.

  ─ Hai alguén! ─grito con todas as miñas forzas.

Creo que estou so, non percibo a ninguén. Empezo a escoitar uns pasos, volvo a gritar pero ninguén responde. Comezo a quedarme durmido, abren a porta e...

─Onde estou?





We all planned the trip with enthusiasm. Finally the day had come to prepare everything to travel to Meaño, a small town with a few habitants but lots of things to see and visit.


My alarm clock rang.



—Oh no, what time is it? Did I oversleep? Are they here already? —I had been waiting for months for this day.


Luckily, my suitcase was already packed. I turned on the television while I was getting ready, and at that moment they were showing the news of the tenth anniversary of the six-year-old twins who had disappeared in Meaño, precisely where we were going to travel to. Just the thought of it made me shiver....


In fifteen minutes I was ready with my jeans, my long-sleeved T-shirt and my new trainers.


I heard the sound of the horn of Marcos's car. They had arrived. I grabbed my suitcase and went down the steps, two at the same time. In three minutes I was seated and on my way to the airport.


The journey wasn't very long and when we arrived at our destination my mind was flooded with memories of my childhood. Meaño was my grandparents' town, and my parents had moved to another town, due to a sad event, when I was only six years old.


Around five o'clock in the afternoon we arrived at the Valdamor rural house we had booked. We unpacked and had a little tour of the house, which by the way, was beautiful. To my surprise, on the kitchen table there was a newspaper dated 31 October 2012, and the front page was precisely the disappearance of the twins. The same news I had heard in the morning while I was getting dressed. Did the owners of the house know what had happened? My hair stood on end and a small shiver ran through my body.


Just then my friends called me and my mind snapped back to reality. We organised ourselves to make dinner, having a fun time together.


We opened the fridge and, as expected, it was empty. Finally it was Andrés and Marcos's turn to go shopping, so I took the opportunity to choose my room. I went up the stairs counting every step and when I got to the bottom I opened the door. I froze. A boy around my age greeted me from inside. With my mouth open and moved by an impulse I closed the door. I took a deep breath and, with my heart pounding, I opened it again. Surely it was my imagination or a curtain flying across the open window. But no, there it was again, that silhouette waving at me. Now my feet started running down the stairs three at a time. I reached Laura and told her what had happened, almost out of breath from running. She thought I was playing a joke on her, but my face didn't say the same, so we decided to go upstairs together. When we reached the landing, the door was still open, but there was no sign of the young man who had greeted me. Just then the boys arrived with the groceries and we went down to the kitchen to prepare dinner. There we enjoyed the moment, we laughed and made jokes, but I didn't want to talk too much about what had happened, although Laura tried.


It was late and we went to our rooms. I fall asleep soon, but in the early morning I woke up anxious and went downstairs to get a glass of water. When I got to the kitchen I saw that the fridge was open, a carton of milk was dripping on the floor, and next to it laid a piece of an old newspaper that said "THANK YOU". I looked around, but there was no one. The joke was already going too far. Had Laura told Marcos and Andrés anything? I was pretty angry, so I decided to go and wake them up. They were surprised and we immediately went down to the kitchen to check. When we got there, everything had been cleared up and the note had disappeared. It wasn't funny. They ignored me and went back to bed. I hardly slept that night.


The next morning, with our backpacks on our shoulders, we went hiking in the surroundings. We enjoyed the views, the beautiful windmills, the viewpoints of Fontefría and San Cibrán... But when we returned home, I was surprised by a note in my room that said: "I missed you".


My twin brother was still a joker

martes, 4 de octubre de 2022

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2022

A biblioteca estrea cartelaría

 Estes días estivemos colocando os novos carteis: as zonas da aula creativa, como coller ou devolver un libro, como realizar traballos para as distintas materias, procurar información na rede,... 

A biblio quedou ben bonita e agora xa non hai excusas para facer as cousas ben.